Monday, December 21, 2009

Salam Maal Hijrah 1431

Salam Maal Hirah buat saudara-saudaraku tidak kira dimana jua kamu berada.
Moga penghijrahan kita pada tahun ini akan membawa kita semua kearah kebaikan dan jalan yang diredhai Allah.

Hijrah menuntut pengorbanan. Hijrah menuntut perubahan. Contohi sifat-sifat baik orang-orang yang terdahulu dari kita agar hidup kita lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya. Aku berdoa agar kamu berjaya dalam menuntut perubahan ini, wahai saudaraku.

Mari menuju kejayaan.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

13122009 - recce ride pt 2

3 riders. 30kms. 3.5 hours. Short-of -breath. No pics.

Well, a second recce ride. This time its only us the homegrown riders. Me, Badak and Belon. One is heavy and the other floats everytime he encounter a bump.

Today's ride is towards exploring more of the kebun-getah-near-Pulada and trail-susur-hutan within the area. Long downhill in the beginning, middle and at exit point. The rest is flat, some lung-busting ascent and in the open. The 1000 am sun turns Belon's arm rentung while me and Badak is saved by the sleeve.

Fun descend and as usual, the cursing ascent. I am starting to see the imaginary route with profiles as I had ridden these mix section a few times. GPS? In our head, still.

If you have time and you had nowhere new to ride, try us. Maybe there is something for you to experience. Well, maybe..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

06122009 - Recce ride with Cyclemotion and Rideables SG

19 riders. 20kms. 4hours. Major crash.

Well, this time its a recce ride in our homeground. Established contact with Neo and arrange for a meet on Sunday morning. RV at Petronas Ulu Tiram as the trail head is just a couple of metres away.

Neo kept mentioning the 'Roller Coaster' as he had ridden this section on his motobike years back. It seems that Ayub also remembers some of the Roller Coaster route as he used to ride on his moto (together with Neo, I think).

Ride started off at 0900. I notice that some of the section here does have its own potential for a freeride flair. We weave through two prominent landmark, the Roller Coaster and the Pylon. So there is a mix of palm oil plantations and some smallholding rubber plantations.

Roller coaster ride is a killer. Super fast descend and super slow ascent (pancit, hehe), but somehow rideable.(Nice knowing you, Rideables SG) Badak even got a small burnt on his finger when he accidentally touches his rotor during a breather. That's how hot the rotor could get.

There are crashes that day. It was Sham Commencal negotiating a fast descent and got caught by a small tree and another brudder broke his MonkeyLite handlebar on our way back. Super fast crash.

Some of the section were very familiar to me and some were not. Its the wonder of the GPS thang that had brought us to this 'never-been-ridden-route' today. I had twice a puncture until I am out of spare tubes but thanks to Fazlun, he gave me another patched tube for me to continue the ride. Lega.

It was a wonderful experience for us the homegrown riders to be riding with otai's of CM and the Rideables. I had no idea how these otai's will perceive our homegrown trail. You know, it could be fun or worst, very lame. But one thing for sure, we, the homegrown riders were very happy that day. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Kekadang stress jugak jadinya. Waktu kita nak cepat, waktu kita perlukannya, masa tu lah dia nak hilang. Tak jumpa. Cari lagi.. Masih tak jumpa lagi."Isshh.. Aku rasa aku letak kat sini semalam, hari ni dah tak ada lagi!""Sapa la yang gatal tangan nak alihkan barang-barang aku ke tempat lain!"

"Dah ambil tu letak la semula!"

Di masa yang lain. Waktu aku tengah santai. Atau tak ada buat apa-apa. Dan aku memang tidak memerlukan barang yang aku cari tadi. "La.. kat sini rupanya kau" atau "Macamana aku boleh tak perasan barang tu ada kat depan mata" dan macam-macam lagi la skrip yang keluar.

Hehe.. Aku sorang sahaja ke yang ada masalah macam ini?

ride 291109 - utr-pasar karat

Ride malam. 9 riders.45kms. 4hours.

Lama tak pegi ride malam. Para pensepeda tegar telah bersedia dari awal. Tayar slick telah disarungkan demi mengelak dari mendengar 'kerangupan' Nevegal memakan tar. Huhu..tak sanggup. Sayang tayar beb.

Ride kali ini ialah orientasi utk Q, dan Has. Untuk pensepeda tegar, ride ni lebih kepada ride 'makan-makan cekodok at Pasar Karat'. Sedap cekodok tu, especially sambalnya. Kami pulun sampai lima pinggan. Clear. Jemaah meja makan ditambah pula dengan hero-hero kampungku yang berkereta ke pasar karat. The more, the merrier.

Q dan Has, weekend ni offroad pulak. Ada bran?